
1000 Speakers Conference in English 21 #1000eng

Mon, 07 Sep 2015 19:30 - 22:00 JST


東京都渋谷区南平台町16番28号 グラスシティ渋谷 10F オープンラウンジ


Registration is closed

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初参加枠 / newcomers' (20 people) Free
通常参加枠 / others (10 people) Free
Please bring your food and drinks. We will *not* provide any food nor drinks.


1000 Speakers Conference in English provides an opportunity to make a short presentation in English.


We will run 1000 Speakers Conference in English until unique participants reach over 1000.

Program 本編

You will have three minute presentation in English. The topics are anything which you would like to talk.

At this time, we do not distinguish between speakers' tickets and non-speakers' tickets. Please prepare your talk.

19:00 Door Open
19:30 Opening Remarks
19:35 Self Introduction, why you are here.
19:55 LT (Lightning Talks)


  • Native English speakers would be welcome.


Presenters 発表者の方へ

Please prepare a short presentation in English. We will provide a projector.


Notice ご注意

We will not provide any snack nor drinks. So please bring your own snack and drinks. Bring your own bottles.

Hosts 主催

1000 Speakers Conference in English実行委員会(よしおかひろたか @hyoshiok 他), HDE有志(Toshiya Doi 他)

Venue 会場提供


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1000 Speakers Conference in English

1000 Speakers Conference in English

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